

Why is fat good for the body?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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11y ago

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Thanks for posting for your question. Generally, it has been noticed that one tends to avoid fatty food items in order to become fit and have a good body shape. However, a healthy body requires fat food which contains nutrients and proteins.

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Why is junk food good?

Because it has a lot of sugar in it which attracts people (especially kids) to it. But it's not good for your body, although it is good to give your body a bit of sugar and fat once in a while but not too much! Your body actually needs fat to survive. (I don't mean fat on your body i mean real fat in foods)

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that is a trick question. it is good to have a certain amount of body fat.but fat is not good for anyone. b.s.

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How do you determine your percentage of body fat?

To determine your percentage of body fat at home, obtain some plastic body fat calipers and do a simple skin fold test. Body fat calipers are not expensive and they are readily available to buy. If you are female, your percentage of body fat should probably be about 15 to 20% for good health. For males the percentage of body fat should probably be about 10 to 15% for good health.

Is fat good for your body?

A little bit of fat is good. too much however can cause health problems

What is a good way to add fat to your diet?

there are good fats for your body. One example is the fat found in Avocado.

Is saturate fat good for you?

you need it in your body to live, so it is good for you.

How much body fat should a 33-year-old woman have?

As a female, your percentage of body fat should be about 15 to 20% for good health. (For males the percentage of body fat should be about 10 to 15% for good health.) To determine your percentage of body fat at home, obtain some plastic body fat calipers and do a simple skin-fold test. Body fat calipers are not expensive, are readily available to buy, and can replace a scale or balance.

How good fat helps your body?

You need a"Essential Body Fat"to stay alive without getting to "excessive body fat" The fat layer that is directly under the skin called subcutaneous fat. This fat layer provides thermal protection and bruise protection.

Why body fat is considered as a good insulator?

Body fat is a good insulator because it is a poor conductor of heat, meaning it helps to retain body heat and regulate internal temperature. Additionally, fat acts as a protective cushion for vital organs and provides energy storage for the body.

What amount of body fat is normal and healthy for a 19-year-old woman?

As an adult female, your percentage of body fat should be about 15 to 20% for good health. (For adult males the percentage of body fat should be about 10 to 15% for good health.)