ecstacy is known for causing warm and loving feelings in the user. As the drug takes affect, the user will relax and may lose some inhibitions, making it easy to connect to a stranger personally. Therefore, the term hug drug describes the feelings of love you get while on the drug.
Ecstasy is known as the hug or love drug.
There are a lot of slang words for MDMA. "Ecstasy" and "Molly" are two of the most common. You might also hear "E," "XTC," "X," "Adam," "hug," "beans," "clarity," "lover's speed," and "love drug."
The translation is Ekstase.The drug ist also called Ecstasy in German.
Ecstasy can make people excited but it all depends on the user and how he or she reacts to the drug. But ecstasy will make you want to dance for long periods of time and make you want to talk and hug every one.
Ecstasy is a speed based hallucinogen
It is not possible to "turn" gay. No drug can do this. Not even ecstasy.
The drug Mali is also known as Molly. This drug is the purest form of ecstasy. The drug is usually white and is considered a very powerful form ecstasy. This drug is not good for you.
The drug known as Ecstasy is called MDMA, but most Ecstasy pills are cut with (mixed with) different drugs, usually heroin, cocaine, ketamine (Special K), or speed (amphetamines or methamphetamines).
Bloom is a legal drug, similar to ecstasy.
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