Did they ever show you pictures of what it does to your mouth in school? Causes mouth cancer could have to get your tongue cut off can get white bumps in mouth. really bad on your teeth. just as bad.
Yes it is extremily bad for you!
sure why not but it's not up to me to tell you if you should or shouldn't
Because pH paper doesn't like to get dipped.
Albert Einstein invented dipping e.g dipping bread in soup.
It is not clear that IT is dipping down.
'Skinny-Dipping' is a slang term for swimming in the nude.
Ketchup is a condiment therefore it is not a dipping sauce.
Dipping intonation is a speech pattern where the pitch of the voice falls and then rises again. Examples of dipping intonation include asking a question that requires a yes or no answer, such as "Did you finish your homework?" or expressing surprise or disbelief, like "You're going to the party tonight?" Dipping intonation is commonly used in English to signal uncertainty or seek confirmation.
Dipping Intonation is when the pitch of the voice falls and then rises.Example:Your meeting will be dismissed at, won't it?
"Dipping sauce" in English means intingolo or salsa in Italian.
The best way to get your boyfriend to stop dipping is to explain all of the health concerns you have.
It is a sauce used for dipping chicken nuggets in. It is made with ketchup and ranch dressing.