The plant extract (digitalis) was used ti treat weak heart until 1970s .by then the active ingredients in the plant extract had been identified and was produced in a pure form is called digitoxin and is still used today...:D
By mishka
available only with a physician's prescription. They are sold in tablet, capsule, liquid, and injectable forms. Commonly used digitalis drugs are digitoxin (Crystodigin) and digoxin (Lanoxin)
Digitalis ( Digitalis purpurea ) contains cardiac glycosides like digitoxin,digoxin,gitoxin,gitalin etc. These gycosides have a positive Ionotropic and Chronotropic effect on the heart ie they increase the force and rate of contraction of heart which is one of the reason it can be used in heart failure however its use is not recommended as digitalis causes adverse effects like arrhythmias, hyperkalemia etc.
Digitoxin is a cardiac glycoside. The mode of action of digitoxin is to increase the concentration of calcium and sodium inside the cells. This causes the heart muscle fibers to contract more strongly.
DefinitionDigitalis is a medication prescribed to certain heart patients. Digitalis toxicity is a complication of digitalis therapy, or it may be occur when someone takes more than a large amount of the drug at one time. (This is called an acute ingestion.)The most common prescription form of this medication is called digoxin. Digitoxin is another form of digitalis.Causes, incidence, and risk factorsDigitalis toxicity can be caused by high levels of digitalis in the body, or a decreased tolerance to the drug. Patients with decreased tolerance may have "normal" digitalis levels in their blood.Digitalis toxicity can occur from a single exposure or chronic overmedication, or it may occur in patients with normal blood levels of digitalis if other risks are present.People with heart failure who take digoxin are commonly given medications called diuretics, which remove excess fluid from the body. Many diuretics can cause potassium loss. Low levels of potassium in the body increase the risk of digitalis toxicity. Digitalis toxicity may also result in persons who take the drug and who have low levels of magnesium in the body.Risks include taking digitalis medications such as digoxin or digitoxin along with medications that interact with digitalis such as quinidine, verapamil, amiodarone, and others.Reduced kidney function will cause digitalis to build up in the body rather than be removed normally through urine. Therefore, any disorders that disrupt kidney functioning (including dehydration) make digitalis toxicity more likely.SymptomsConfusionIrregular pulseLoss of appetiteNausea, vomiting, diarrheaPalpitationsVisual changes(unusual) Blind spots in visionBlurred visionChanges in color perceptionHalos or rings of light around objectsSeeing lights or bright spotsAdditional symptoms that may be associated with digitalis toxicity include:Decreased consciousnessDecreased urine outputDifficulty breathing when lying downExcessive nighttime urinationOverall swellingSigns and testsThe heart ratemay be rapid or slow and may be irregular.An ECG is done to check for irregular heart beats.Blood tests will be done to check:BUN and creatinine (which help reveal kidney function)Digoxin and digitoxin levelsPotassium levelMagnesium levelSee also:Blood chemistryDigoxin - testDigitoxin - testTreatmentIn an emergency, assist breathing as needed (see CPR) and get professional medical help.Arrhythmias are treated according to which arrhythmia develops.If toxicity is due to a recent, acute single exposure, treatment may involve:Activated charcoalTube through the mouth into the stomach to wash out the stomach (gastric lavage)Digitoxin blood levels may be lowered with repeated doses of charcoal, given after gastric lavage.Methods to cause vomiting are usually not performed because vomiting can worsen slow heart rhythms.In severe cases, medications called digoxin-specific antibodies may be prescribed. Hemodialysis may be required to reduce the levels of digitalis in the body.Expectations (prognosis)The outcome varies depending on the extent of toxicity and arrhythmias that develop.ComplicationsArrhythmias, which may be deadlyHeart failureCalling your health care providerCall your health care provider if you are taking a digitalis medication and symptoms of digitalis toxicity develop.PreventionDigitalis blood levels should be monitored regularly if you are taking digitalis medications. Blood chemistries should also be monitored to detect conditions that make digitalis toxicity more common.Potassium supplements may be prescribed if you take diuretics and digitalis together, or a potassium-sparing diuretic may be prescribed.
Digitoxin was discovered by the French chemist Claude-Adolphe Nativelle in 1869. He isolated it from the foxglove plant.
The Latin name for foxglove is Digitalis purpurea.
The scientific name for common foxglove is Digitalis purpurea.
Raven Digitalis Raven Digitalis
Digitalis Purpurea - band - was created in 2000.
Digitalis is made of digitalis purpurea (plant) which is very toxic
B. Lown has written: 'Current concepts in digitalis therapy' -- subject(s): Digitalis (Drug) 'Atrial arrhythmias, digitalis and potassium' -- subject(s): Potassium, Arrhythmia, Digitalis (Drug)
The plant that the drug digitalis comes from is either foxglove