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Because it's deadly.

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Q: Why is deadly radiation not good for human bodies?
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Why radiation workers are higher dose exposure limitsis this good or bad?

Radiation is in fact bad for the human body.

Good and bad effects of radiation on human health?

The good about radiation is it can stop the abnormally growing cells in cancer,and radiation will let us visuallized the entire human body. Disadvantage with radiation when in great amount can cause sterility.

Can soda do good things to human bodies?

No stay away from it, it's evil.

Why is the sun's radiation not harmful to the earth and human beings?

It is. It is called sun-burn. A good example of too much of a good thing.

What are the top rated treatments for rectal cancer?

Rectal cancer can be deadly there are many treatments being explored one of which is radiation which can be just as dangerous but has a good turnout rate.

What does deadly unna mean in aboriginal?

Deadly means excellent or good Unna means ain't it Deadly unna? = good, ain't it?

An object is a good emitter of radiation if it is what?

An object is a good emitter of radiation if it has a high temperature. The higher the temperature of an object, the more thermal radiation it emits.

Is amoxicilin good for puppies?

not for most since it is considerd a human antibiotic and unless prescribed by a vet in small doses, it is deadly to most animals that eat it

Why black bodies are good absorbers of heat?

Black bodies are good absorbers of heat because they absorb a wider range of wavelengths of light, including visible and infrared. Their dark color allows them to absorb more light energy, converting it into heat more efficiently than lighter-colored surfaces that reflect more light. This absorption helps black bodies retain heat and warm up quickly in response to radiation.

Can you give your cat benadryl to help him sleep on a long car ride?

No. It might not be poisonous, but it is never good to give human medicine to animals unless recommended by a doctor. Some human medications can be deadly to animals.

Are things that you use in human daily food good for dogs?

Two human foods I know are deadly for dogs, chocolate and onions. If you had something else specific in mind, call your vet's office and ask to make sure.

Does human body emit infrared radiation?

Yes, the human body does emit infrared radiation as a form of heat energy. This infrared radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation that is not visible to the human eye, but can be detected by infrared cameras or sensors.