so clothes fit well
When you are undergoing a massage the body is being relaxed. When your massage is over you can move quickly causing the tendons, vertebra, and muscles to tear or strain. Having correct personal posture during a massage can help to minimize these problems.
It is very important to have a good posture... If not, your bones and your muscles will be stucked forever and it will be permanent. So, meaning, having a good posture.
standing up with your back straight.
The one that fits the situation and works.
In correct sitting posture
A lot of ballet dancers learn correct posture and dicipline?
The correct spelling is attention (a focus on an activity, or a military posture).
Posture is important in ballet because that is what makes you look graceful and strong. A slouched or over arched back will offset the rest of you moves and you will not appear very pretty. Your posture is also what holds all your moves together.
A straight posture is important when cooking. A hunched back is unhealthy and can slowly damage your spine. Even while sitting, a straight posture is essential.
No, it doesn't matter, as long as you have the correct posture and are strong enough.
Bestform Posture Correct bras may be purchased from different retailers. Ebay, Amazon, Sears, Ample Bosom and Beau Dame Lingerie all sell these types of bras.