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Without cholesterol, your body wouldn't work - it's vital to ensure the body's normal function. Too much cholesterol increases Heart disease and disease of the arteries.

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Q: Why is cholesterol both essential and also potentially dangerous?
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Like many drugs, statins are both potentially life-saving and potentially dangerous - due to the fact that some individuals develop increased liver enzymes (and liver damage when this is ignored or not tested for), along with muscle pain, and other side effects, as well. Statins not only decrease total serum cholesterol and LDL levels, they also reduce inflammation in the cardiovascular system and throughout the body.

What is the major sterol in the diet?

The major sterol in the diet is cholesterol. It is found in animal-based foods such as eggs, meat, and dairy products. Cholesterol is an essential component of cell membranes and is also a precursor for the synthesis of hormones and vitamin D in the body.

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The gun does not always cycle. It also will not always eject the shell. These can both be potentially dangerous situations.

Does the body produce its own cholesterol?

Yes, the liver produces cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol is essential for many bodily functions, including hormone production and cell membrane formation.

What are some examples of foods high in HDL cholesterol?

HDL cholesterol is also known as the "healthy" cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is known as "bad" cholesterol. Many essential fatty acids help raise HDL cholesterol. Foods that help raise HDL cholesterol are nuts, nut butters, olive oil, coconut oil, and avocados.

What is the name of the fat component of egg yolk?

Saturated fat. Egg yolks are also high in cholesterol and essential fatty acids, and when consumer in small amounts can be healthy.

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What role does cholesterol play in the structure and function of the plasma membrane?

Cholesterol is a type of lipid that helps maintain the fluidity and stability of the plasma membrane. It is embedded within the phospholipid bilayer, where it regulates the membrane's flexibility and permeability to substances. Cholesterol also plays a role in organizing and maintaining the structure of the membrane, which is essential for proper cell function.

How do i lose 4 stone in 11 days?

This would be difficult to achieve in such a short timespan, and it would also be dangerous. It is unhealthy - and potentially dangerous - to lose more than 2-3 pounds per week.

What is the main function of cholesterol?

Your body converts cholesterol into Vitamin D. Cholesterol also facilitates memory.

Good cholesterol is also known as?

high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.