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the reason y carbon monoxide is not healthy for human is because the when it is been in healed it displace the oxygen in the lungs. hence it is m ore favoured then oxygen. so if your block from oxygen you will die

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Q: Why is carbon monxide bad for humans?
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Is carbon monxide a harmless substance?

no, it's harmful. it can kill you.

What type of pollution is caused by car exhaust?

carbon monxide

What is the equation when natural gas produces carbon monxide and water?

natural gas + heat ---> carbon monoxide + water

What happen when you burn fuels such as coal and gasoline?

Carbon monxide is the biproduct of these two fules

Is carbon dioxide good or bad for humans?

Its bad

What is the best way to prevent carbon monxide poisioning on a boat?

keep the boat well ventilated

Do electric ovens emit carbon monxide?

No, unless it catches on fire. But I don't you'll be in the house very long if it does.

Is carbon dioxide a good thing or a bad thing?

Well, carbon dioxide is both good and bad. Carbon dioxide for humans is bad because to much of it for us can be fatal and lead to suffocation. But, it is good for plants.

What are some gases around us that are bad for humans?

Carbon monoxide is one

Why humans exhale carbon dioxide?

because they have to let all the bad stuf out