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The chemicals in its smoke make a hole in the ozone layer. As long as there is a hole in the ozone layer, it becomes harder to fight global warming.

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Q: Why is burning garbage bad?
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The garbage disposal problem can best be reduced by?

burning garbage

How can affect ozone layer by burning garbage?

Burning garbage produces greenhouse gases. It can cause ozone depletion.

Is the burning of garbage is chemical change?

Yes, burning is a chemical process.

What do burning garbage cause?

The act of burning garbage causes the release of toxins into the air. This makes it difficult for people to breathe and can cause physical harm.

Why smells bad on the garbage?

Explain why we will smell bad oddor when decaying heap of garbage

What are the causes of garbage pollution?

wen you are throwing garbage in rivers or burning garbage

Is not a benefit of burning garbage for fuel?

One drawback of burning garbage for fuel is the release of harmful pollutants into the air, contributing to air pollution and potentially harming human health. Additionally, burning garbage can create toxic ash that requires careful disposal to prevent further environmental damage.

Is it bad to throw wool into the garbage?

Bad is a judgement and you are the judge.Wool will disintegrate in a garbage dump over time.

What is the cause of burning garbage?

Burning garbage releases harmful chemicals and pollutants into the air, soil, and water, contributing to air pollution, soil contamination, and water pollution. This can have negative effects on human health and the environment. Recycling and proper waste disposal are more sustainable alternatives to burning garbage.

List two potential problems with burning garbage?

Burning garbage can produce pollution to the air. People with breathing problems may be affected. It can also release harmful chemicals into the air.

What are two advantages of burning garbage for fuel?

Two advantages of burning garbage for fuel are waste reduction, as it reduces the amount of waste going to landfills, and energy generation, as it can produce heat and electricity by converting the waste into energy.

What is the bad effects of garbage?

garbage se ham mar sakte hai