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Did you do something to bother him? Perhaps give him some time to cool off and then ask him what is wrong.

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He doesn't want to talk to you so stop.

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Q: Why is boyfriend ignoring texts?
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depends why he is ignoring you

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How do you get your boyfriend to stop ignoring you once your together?

If he s ignoring you, it's time to move on and find yourself other boyfriend.

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by ignoring you

How can you tell if your boyfriend is ignoring you?

probally if there not going out of there way to talk to you.

Friend ignoring you?

well if she's ignoring youmaybe she's going through a phase were she's only atracted to the boyfriend.

What should you do if your boyfriend keeps ignoring you?

either impress him or brake up with him

What can you do when your boyfriend doesn't talk to you?

When your boyfriend is ignoring you it is not a good sign. Talk to him when no one is around, but don't sound desperate.

You want your boyfriend back but he is ignoring you?

If he is ignoring you then you too ignore him. Show him that you can be happy without him. if he really cares he will come back.

What do i do if my boyfriend is ignoring me and i dont know why?

Try to talk to him and find out the real reason or move on

What does it mean if a girl texts you constantly then suddenly starts ignoring you?

She was playing you, and now she's found a new toy to play with.

Is it bad when your boyfriend is ignoring you?

yes it means he probably doesnt want to talk to you /wants ot break up and is hoping that you do it first. or he may not be ignoring you , you may just be paranoid