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Q: Why is alcahol not good for you?
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no alcahol shold be band its not good for u

How old do you need to be to work at TGI Friday?

18 because they serve alcahol 18 because they serve alcahol

What chemical was used to stuff organs?

it was a mix of alcahol and honey

What were the traditions of ancient songhai?

To be Muslim and to avoid pork and alcahol.

What is the Better way to shave with shave gel or shave puff?

gel can irritate sensitive skin. puff usually has no alcahol. alcahol irritates skin. put aclahol free cream after shaving.

What extreme methods did constantin stanislavski enforce upon his actors?

No alcahol

Does Jeff hardy have alkaholl?

yess he does drink alcahol but only when he's out of town

What percent of people live to 87?

4 out of 70 due to smoking and alcahol

What are the three harmful things that can pass across the placenta to the fetus?

alcahol canser and diseses

Two factors affecting development of embryo?

Drug and Alcahol consumption while pregnant.

Is the fome of the beer alcaholic?

that depends on the kind of foam. If the foam is thick then it contains alcahol as soon as it hits ur throat. However if the foam is thin, u might get the alcahol effect as soon as it touches ur tongue. My advise, thick foam. Haresh and Seelan=p

How do you get ink off a document you have a paper that was signed and the lady that put your name on it spelled it wrong?

rubbing alcahol