The scab - is your body's defences protecting the damaged skin and underlying tissue from contamination while it heals. The scab is formed from dry blood cells which prevents dirt getting into the cut.
Scab as a verb: A week after I got my tattoo, The healing process began and it started to scab.Scab as a noun:A giant scab had formed where Jessie had fallen and cut open her knee.
It hurts because there are "nerve receptors" at the end of your knee, and when you bump or scrape your knee, the nerve endings send a "signal" to your brain saying, "STOP THAT IT HURTS!" so therefore you basically experience pain.
Scar tissue is formed under the scab.
Earwax isn't good for a cold sore after a scab has formed.
No, its just different use of language. In a skinned knee, a grazed knee or a scraped knee, the top layer of skin is rubbed off due to an accident like falling over. It is painful and forms a scab, but is not the same as a cut.
you shouldnt be waxing your knees when you have any wounds on it so wait until the scab has gone away
The scab forms a seal over the cut, helps to keep germs at bay, and so lessen the chances of the cut becoming infected.
The blood clots; leaving a scab. Then the body grows skin under the scab; once healed the scab falls off.
When you get a cut, it fresh. Few days later it drys. Then what you call a (scab) is dead skin.
One way skin injuries heal is by blocking an opening with platelets from the blood. When you get cut, a bunch of platelets rush to the area and start forming a clot with fibrin. This is what a scab is. Also the scab is just a quick fix the real repairs begin after the scab is formed and the repairs occur under the scab.when the repairs are completed the scab starts to fall off.
When a hemophiliac has a cut, the air will dry the blood into something of a temporary a scab, but the patient is missing coagulation factors. They do not have something called fibrin that causes an actual clotting to occur. This means a real scab is not formed, and any little touch can cause the cut to begin bleeding again.