because it is funny
There are many places where one can find funny fart prank video clips. The best place on the internet to find funny fart prank video clips would be on Youtube.
Farts aren't gross. They are a good way of being funny. They are very funny. There are kids every where that make fart noises. This is where the fart app, whoopy cushion, and the arm pit fart all come in.
"It was as funny as a fart in an elevator" could be one example.Another example could be "she was as subtle as a fart in a bath".
Roses are red Violets are blue You fart at me and I fart at you. Look at the works of Edward Lear he wrote several
kids fart at school when they get nervous and when the feel they need to fart so about 924,286 fart at school a day .
I'm guessing NOT (but funny question)
all people fart. bob is a human so bob must fart. i, fart doctor, would know. i too fart so if i can do it, so can bob.
Generally, yes. It is not very "lady like" and is considered rude by most people. Well it depends on what the guy is like! Most guys think its funny when anybody farts! I personally think its funny when other people fart! Plus its the human nature to fart! Everybody farts at least 14 times a day! So if you don't like to fart I have a technique that works if you don't want to fart! Suck in your cheeks it really works, my long lost grandmother told me and I think it works GREAT!
They fart when there angry so they have intercourse with the female and after that they fart.
0.169825 miles i am so sorry that is to funny ..!!
This phenomenon is called fart lighting. Information about fart lighting can be found on Wikipedia, Light That Fart, Funny or Die, and many other websites. Videos are also available on YouTube.