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blood types are linked with our ancestry. Dr D'Adamo states that our digestive tract retains the memory of ancient times, and so type Os need to eat a typical hunter-gatherer type diet. In other words, type Os should follow a high-protein, low-carb diet with lots of meat and fish but no dairy products, wheat or grains.

so to answer your question most peoples ancestral tree ate meat, leading them to have O blood type

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Q: Why is O positive the most common blood type?
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The most common blood type in Spain is A positive. A positive is the most common blood type anywhere in the world.

What is the most common blood type?

The most common blood type is O+, which is 40% of humans blood type.

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All of the positive blood types are the most common. However, the blood type 0 positive is the most common blood type among all people in the world.

What is the most common blood type and the most rare?

The most common blood type is A positive and the most rare is type O.

Most common blood types?

The most common blood types are A, B, and O. Type O is the most common, followed by type A, then type B. Type AB is the least common blood type.

Common blood types?

The most common blood types are A, B, AB, and O. Each of these blood types can be either positive (+) or negative (-), resulting in a total of eight possible blood type combinations.

What is the most common blood type in humans?

There are actually millions of blood types, but the 8 main types of human blood are as follows:O positiveO negativeA positiveA negativeB positiveB negativeAB positiveAB negativeOf these, the most common blood type is O positive. The most uncommon blood type is AB negative.

Which blood type is most common a b or o?

Positive A is more common than Positive O. Because Positive O is universal, so it's high in demand than A is.

Is 0 positive blood type common?

O positive is a very common blood type. It is the most common blood type today. There are not many people with O negative. O negative is very rare.

What are some facts about different blood types?

Some blood type facts are, AB negative is the most uncommon blood type to have. O positive and A positive are the most common blood type to have. Blood type is inherited.

Is blood type 0 rare?

Yes. Blood type AB positive is the most common.

Is O positive still the most common blood type today?

O postivite is one of the most common types of blood today but the other most common blood type is A+. Hispanic make it popular because most Hispanics are O positive.