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Goiter, she may need Iodine supplementation

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Q: Why is Kimora's neck fat?
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What is neck fat called?

Neck fat is commonly referred to as a "double chin" or "turkey neck." It occurs when excess fat accumulates under the chin and along the neck area, often resulting in a less defined jawline. Engaging in regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, and staying hydrated can help reduce neck fat.

What are neck tumors?

lymphatic and fat node are looking at neck

How does Kimoras daughters feel about her having a baby?

i think they feel left out that is horrible i think they feel left out that is horrible

Does neck fat interfere with your vocal cords?

no it does not.

Is a fat roll on the back of neck dangerous?


What is the worst place on your body to store fat?

A fat neck is an indication of bad health.

How do you lose neck fat?

give more kids head

How do you get rid of a creek in your neck I was in a volleyball tournament went down on my knees for a low ball and cracked my neck so now its really sore and I cant move it too far either way?

you need to get rid of your fat in your neck THIS IS FOR THE FAT PEOPLE

Can a cresty neck be fixed in a miniature horse?

A cresty neck is typically caused by too much fat in the horses diet, which causes a horses neck to become cresty from storing the fat. To slim this down you should exercise the horse and provide a lower fat diet. However some Mini's are bred to look like miniature Arabians and have a highly arched neck. If that's the case then there is nothing that can be done for it.

Can a cresty neck in a miniature be fixed?

A cresty neck is typically caused by too much fat in the horses diet, which causes a horses neck to become cresty from storing the fat. To slim this down you should exercise the horse and provide a lower fat diet. However some Mini's are bred to look like miniature Arabians and have a highly arched neck. If that's the case then there is nothing that can be done for it.

How do you say your fat and you do not have a neck in french?

we don't say that : that's mean

What are some successes while Millard was in office?

neck fat is amazing