Some of it is "Good Genes", some of it is Good grooming and some of it is in your definition of beauty. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
Anca Paladian was born in Romania.
Anca Paladian is definitely fat, but Serban Popescu still likes her!
Anca Paladian and Dan Popescu dated for a short while in High School in Bucharest, Romania.
Some say Anca is 5'-2" but it is not certain.
I believe that she did but it was sometimes ago!
Anca dated Bogdan in the summer of 1976!
There was a rumor that she did but it is uncertain at this time.
A lot of people say a lot i know its not helpful but no one really knew
It is certain that the Romanian beauty had a love affair with the handsome Sorin Popa.
Anca Boagiu was born in 1968.
Anca Mateescu was born in 1983.
Anca Heltne was born in 1978.