This could be signs of per diabitiees or just that you are not eating enough or drinking enough. I had the same but I also got out of breath doin the slightest of things. I never wet to my Mum cause she would have just said you don't do enough excercise but I knew it was more. It came to the day when I collapsed an ambulance came and I was diagnose with Diabetes and was asmatic.
I would go get it checked out it could also be signs of a tumor pressing on our brain.
Hope this helped!
If you want to do it all the time and can't stop!! Or you feel dizzy and feel like your going to faint...
i feel faint or i feel dizzy or commonly used im gonna faint! -bekahcboo
I thought i was going to faint when i saw her face.
Well, you kind of have to see a doctor of just you know because you feel faint and well, basically, zombie like!
Well, you kind of have to see a doctor of just you know because you feel faint and well, basically, zombie like!
See a doctor. Not a computor.
No, there is not,
take a rennie
It is called paranoia when you always think that someone is going to tell on you and you feel all guilty and nervous.
Well you shouldn't always think that. If you're in a relationship and you feel that way, talk to your partner. Tell him/her about how you feel.
Lie down before you fall and hit your head.If you're going to faint from dehydration, drink water if you have the time.
Yes, u can faint or feel nauseas!