Sounds rather like poor circulation. Lack of oxygen in the feet (or elsewhere) could cause cyanosis, and that makes the skin look blue. When the blood supply has been cut off from, say, the feet, and then returns, tingling is sometimes felt.
feet turn blue when they are really cold and when there is barely any oxygen getting to them
Fingers and feet turn blue in the elderly because these individuals have poor circulation. The blue color is the effect of the area becoming cold.
you have the flu
After death, the process of livor mortis begins within 30 minutes to 2 hours, causing pooling of blood in the lowest parts of the body. This can result in a bluish discoloration, most noticeable in extremities like hands and feet, typically within 2-4 hours after death.
because there blue
I think it has something to do with Raynaud's disease. That means that when it's cold, your veins narrow, causing the flow of blood to your hands or feet to decrease or even stop. Result: your fingers/toes turn white or even blue. Normally, this stops after a few minutes or hours and then they turn pink again. During this process, your fingers can tingle or hurt. The best thing to do is keep yourself warm and avoid smoking, because that could also trigger it. I'm not one hundred percent sure whether it's right, but that's what I read about it.
Hands may turn blue due to reduced blood flow, which can be caused by poor circulation, cold temperatures, or certain medical conditions like Raynaud's disease. Inadequate oxygen in the blood, known as cyanosis, can also cause a bluish hue to the skin.
Dermeculitus is when the hands and feet turn a sickly green colour and the only way to cure it is to have unusually painful injections by needle or stick your hands and feet in lizard pee!
100,000 feet.
Your feet turn blue-purple when they do not get enough blood flow or when they are lacking circulation or some times they are cold the best thing to do is rub them or run them under warm water.
Unfortunately the bones are built differently and you do not have as complex nerve connections to your feet so no
Dermatemeculitus is a disease when your hands and feet turn green. The only ways to get rid of it is a series of painful injections or dipping hands and feet in cifolic acid found in the urn of most lizards....
A Rash, Hives, Or an Infection.