Saline is a cheap and effective way of killing many bacteria, including some that case sore throats.
Cough, use saline lavage through nasal passages, gargle with salt water.
The salt draws the water out of the bacteria. This causes them to shrivel up and die, literally. This is why people use saline solution on piercings and gargle salt water.
How to make oral saline The word 'oral' means mouth and saline means salty or impregnated with salt. Oral saline is a saline solution, especially one that is used in medical purpose to cure a patient from the shortage of salt and water which pass from the body by diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera or vomiting. Oral saline is not a preventive medicine of diarrhoea or dysentery. But it helps a patient to keep in good health as the body lacks salt and water. The saline only recovers the lack of salt and water. Tom make oral saline at first one has to take about half a liter of pure water in a clean pot. The water may be boiled before preparing it. One has to clean hands washed in soap water. Then he has to take a handful of sugar or sugarcane gur and put it in the water of the container and stir it until the sugar or gur in mixed or resolved. Next, a little salt, about half a pinch of three fingers is to be mixed with the water and stir it until it resolves. Finally, the oral saline is to be kept covering the pot for use several times. It can be kept for twelve hours. After the expired time new saline will have to be made.
because of salt content water is saline
Use salt water to gargle. Salt water will draw out edema fluid, killing bacteria causing the sore throat.
Making salt water to gargle for a sore throat is not a chemical change. This is because the salt can be extracted from the water.
Making salt water to gargle for a sore throat is not a chemical change. This is because the salt can be extracted from the water.
Gargling is just a method to get medicine or saline (salt water) deep into your sore throat without drowning or swallowing the solutions. What reduces the pain is the solution used in the gargle. Usually this is a saline solution because saline is very soothing to mucous tissues and helps inflammation. See the related question below for more tips on how to get rid of a sore throat.
No, steel is denser than saline water, so a steel pin would sink in saline water.
use your spit or saliva.
No, saline is a solution made by dissolving salt in water. In this case, water is the solvent.
After you eat or drink, gargle salt water, and in the Morning and at night gargle mouth wash, alcohol free...