if a drug was removed from only the US but is available in the rest of the world its because the FDA pulled it from US markets probably because of adverse effects that meet stringent FDA standards
This drug combination hasn't been available in the US lately, if at all, and the primary ingredient, propoxyphene, is no longer available in the US market.
no the glimmer is no longer available at us cellular. they stopped about 1 year ago I'm pretty sure.
it will take longer there because it was made in England
Unfortunately, Best Kosher Foods is no longer in business and there products are no longer available anywhere in the US.
No. Answers.com no longer has images available for each question and images cannot be inserted into any answers.
Railroad expansion made Natural Resources more available in the US by allowing them to be transported over longer distances quickly. Lumber and coal were the most important to be transported in this manner.
The Lego Mace Windu's Starfighter was released for a short time and is no longer available in the U.S.
they are
It is no longer available.
No longer available
no longer from my pct why
Riding Level's are no longer available. Howrse decided to allow people to advance via seniority, quizzes are no longer available.