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Because blood circulation is one of the primary ways through which the body regulates its temperature. For example, in cold conditions, blood is withdrawn from the periphery (hands, feet, arms, legs) to warm and protect the internal organs. In hot conditions, blood is dispersed to the periphery to dissipate excess heat into the external environment. Poor circulation compromises this process, leading to greater health risks from both cold and hot environments.

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15y ago

Elderly persons may have a lesser awareness of temperature changes so are more likely to be unaware of overheating; also, they have e lesser ability to determine thirst, which may lead to dehydration and a predisposition to heat stroke.

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10y ago

One way that the homeostatic mechanism for temperature regulation functions is by causing vasodilation of dermal blood vessels when the body temperature rises above the thermoregulatory set point. This increases blood flow near the surface of the body and allows the heat from the core of the body that is carried by the blood to leave the body via radiation, convection, and evaporation. Elderly people are more prone to heat stress than younger people because their body may not adjust well to sudden or prolonged temperature change. They are also more likely to have a chronic medical condition and be taking medication that may interfere with the body's ability to regulate temperature.

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13y ago

People with poor circulation have a higher incidence of heat exhaustion and heat stroke as their bodies have a harder time shedding heat through dermal vasodilation.

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Q: Why elderly individuals with poor circulation would have a greater risk of suffering heat exhaustion or heatstroke?
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