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Because some vaccination are unimportant.

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Q: Why don't you need other vaccines every year?
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Related questions

Do guinea pigs have to get vaccines?

no, guinea pigs dont need vaccines and only need to be taken to the vet when ill or injured.

How many vaccines does a 6th grader needa?

They Need 3 :)Ive Had Them And They Hurt Loads,But Dont WorryHow Many HAve You HAd ?

Do you need to get any vaccines to go barbados?

No you don't need to get vaccines to go to Barbados.

Vaccines for collies?

Same as any other dog, but they may need their eyes checked more carefully than other breeds.

What vaccines do donkeys need?

All equids (and tapirs) require the same vaccines but these will vary according to where they live.

Why vaccines need refrigeration?

It slows their spoilage.

What if your dog has a anti rabies vaccine a years ago is there a possibilities that your dog have a rabies?

Well, The it is a rare possibility but for that you need to get the dog vaccinated every year with anti rabies. Its like a booster for every year, so if you are maintaining the booster there will be a marginal percentage for rabies in the Dog and your Dog will be protected. Also along with anti rabies there are other vaccines which you need for your dogs related to may other diseases.

Do guinea pigs need any sort of vaccines?


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if your as bad as landon price you dont need push ups folk

What years did he make all of his vaccines?

We need to know who "he" is to answer your question.

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no, you dont need to be i am 13 and i go to the car boot every week

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