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Because he wants to break up and he hates you.

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Q: Why doesnt your boyfriend want to go out anywhere with you?
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I've already asked this girl out she said she has a boyfriend but the boyfriend is her ex-boyfriend also he is to predictable she doesn't like it?

Maybe she just doesnt want to go out with you.

Why doesnt your boyfriend want to go out with you anymore?

it all depends on what your like and what he is like did you make a good couple in the first place?

What do you do when your boyfriend developed hatered for you but doesnt want to let you go?

run as fast as you can in the opposit direction and never look back.

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steven doesnt go anywhere u can chalenge him any time u want HOPE IT HELPED

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You have to see where he is coming from though, his fear of having kids all over the place. He needs some more reassurance and I realise that you have told him already. Does he understand that you want to have kids too? Tell him that you know how he feels but you are not going to go anywhere. Tell him that he will always have you and this child. Live for now.

Why doesn't my girlfriend want to go to the prom with me we have been going out for about one month?

maybe she likes another guy? idk that is really stupid if she doesnt want to go to prom with her own boyfriend, ask her whats up

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umm of corse you need that money dont you

A boy you want to ask out knows you have a boyfriend so doesnt want to go out with you What do you do?

Don't cheat on your boyfriend.AnswerThe best thing to do is, to see if you and your boyfriend have a strong connection and if you guys really love each other. If your not feeling that magic spark, then you should move on. Though, you should tell your boyfriend why you want to move on; don't leave him clueless.

Boyfriend wants to meet my mom?

Go For It. Aslong As She Doesnt Get The Baby Pictures Out

Why does this girl treat you meanly and says she only does it to you and tells you she has a boyfriend but doesnt seem like it?

Because she likes you and does not want to tell you or let you know because she is afraid you may reject her. There is no boyfriend or if there is not much of one if you like her go for it.

What do you do if you been with your boyfriend 5 months and ain't kiss him yet?

well, i think that if you want to take the relationship slow go ahead but if your boyfriend is the one that doesnt want to kiss you then i would break up with him unless its you that doesnt want to kiss him... you should be slow and steady because you dont want to do anything you will regret and if it's your boyfriend who's not ready give him time, maybe he's one of those boys that is more interested in you then "moving to 1st base" so to speak and if its you thats not ready your boyfriend needs to respect the fact that you have your border lines also.

Why does your boyfriend can't accept the reality that when you talk to other people it's just a normal talk?

Because your his, and he doesnt want anyone to take you away from him. He thinks he might lose you, and he just, (lets put it this way) he loves you very much and doesnt want to let you go!