if they smile at you, yes but if she doesnt NO
she like you and if you like her back ask her out
That has happened to me a few times. It doesnt always mean that. But maybe he does!
Well, if she doesn't smile then that means her character Bella isn't supposed to smile.
he is playing hard to get and he seen you made the first move now just smile when he looks at you and stare back and wait for him to make the next move. and if he doesnt he is a player and doesnt deserve you
A mirror.
She is AMAZING! Super pretty, sweeter than candy, and nicer than nice. (: She; can make anyone smile even when she doesnt know you. Get to know this chick RIGHT NOW! :D
if he likes your smile he will smile back :D
Of course it is! Smile at someone and they (should) smile back!
he will always stare at u and make up a converstation and hugged weird and blinks twice and luk at u in smile
She would smile at her mom and her mom would smile back.