Im sure he doesnt " hate " you. your probaly just getting paranoid! but f you do feel like he is singling you out, then maybe ask one of your parents to go down to your school and talk to him about it ! x
A perish princable is the name of the school!
tell the head of your grade, princable and parents
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.I dono.Tam O'Shanter maybe? I have more bullies there than friends.It is located in Canada Ontario Toronto Scarbough.But,I believe that Tam O'Shanter school is more like a school for people who's mean.Once I joined this school, people started hating me for some reason.More like curse. Here's a warning sign I made in my mind about Tam O'Shanter school.DO NOT ENTER THIS SCHOOL!!!This school is abandoned for it's students. The students are mean, especially to the ones who are younger than the meanies.Plus, the vice princable or the princable easily suspend you for doing tiny bad stuff instead of telling you not to do it again. Even the lunch supervisors. They can easily tell either the princable or vice princable about the tiny bad things what the students did.And then......................YU NO WUT!They suspend yu...
ANSWER:Acciaccature means a note that is 1/2 or 1 step below a princable note.:D Good Luck.x
The Hate That Hate Produced was created on 17-07-13.
People are not nice, so I hate them. People are not interesting, so I hate them. Music is boring, so I hate it. TV programming sucks, so I hate it. Games are not fun, so I hate them. I am not intelligent enough, so I hate me. The world is hard, so I hate it. In short, this is why I hate everything.
Hate is an extreme dislike for something or someone. Hate only symbolizes hate. There are symbols, like the swastika, that symbolize hate.
First you might wanna talk to your princable or a teacher about the event. If they say yes than you or the teacher/princeable start to make fliers or posters. And you probably might wanna tell some of the people you know.
hate me
no you hate the world maybe we all hate the world...
Their hate fans and the JoBros hate club!