Interestingly, mine doesn't!
Yours may be due to a nervous "tic".
Yes, you can. Yawn by breathing with your nose. It's tricky, but I just did it. :)
She didn't really twitch her nose, she did something with her mouth that looked like she was twitching her nose.
I think you can stop it by just holding your nose when your nose is about to twitch, I have this problem too and its so annoying.
hold nose with fingers, and blow out nose with it plugged. or just try and yawn
a xylophone
Actually they only make a sound when they are hurt etc. and they don't relay twitch there nose at all.
throat, bronchies, lungs
Possibly a ruptured drum. If you blow your nose & you can feel it in either of your ears, that is confirmation.
the homophone for yawn! haha get it lol
stress. nerves. if it continues or gets worse, see a neurologist.
get more/better sleep to suppress a yawn, when you feel it coming, take a few deep breaths through your nose.
Yes, yawn is an onomatopoeia.