

Best Answer

boss just check out your lungs system

there might be problem with bronchies

it may be congested with sticky mucus

and tiredness is because of lack of oxygen in

body do check for whole respiratory system

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Q: Why does your nose run year round and you feel tired all the time even when you get 8-10 hours of sleep everyday?
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Why you have to sleep everyday?

because you get tired

how can a person's body sense to sleep when it's afternoon?

It all depends on your sleep schedule if you usually go to sleep at 9 pm and you wake up at 8 am you get 10 hours of sleep everyday you go to sleep same time everyday you wake of same time everyday, your Getting sleepy around 9 pm cause your body knows you haven’t slept in 12 hours so your body isint Getting tired cause it knows what time it is it’s getting tired cause ur knows you haven’t slept

What are the recommended hours of sleep for children?

about 10 hours min. If they sleep for less, of course they'll be extremely tired.

Is it normal to feel tired every day?

In my option, to me it normal, because I get tired everyday and it's probably because I don't enough sleep, so I have a question for you do you sleep late?

How come I have to get 12 hours of sleep or I'll be tired all day and not want to do anything?

If you need to get 12 hours of sleep then you should see a doctor. It is not normal to feel tired all the time. You may be anemic.

Why do you feel tired if you sleep long hours?

You could possibly still be tired. Maybe you didn't sleep a lot the last night or didn't sleep deeply enough. It could be medications or vitamin deficiencies. Also, some people need to sleep more hours than others.

What will make you look less tired?

Sleep. At least seven hours of it nightly.

What happens when you loose 2 hours of sleep?

You get tired and really run down.

When do babies sleep?

Babies sleep when they are tired. They usually are awake for two to four hours at a time when they are new borns.

Why feel still tired after 8 hours of sleep?

you might think you are getting the right amount of sleep. It depends on what tip of mattress you sleep on.

How many hours does dog sleep?

they sleep and sunbake on a weekend if it is sunny and they sleep at the end of the day or they sleep whenever they r tired and they sleep if it is a rainy day