

Best Answer

Very simple answer and a very simple way to make sure it doesnt happen again

The skin from your lips and some of the tissue is torn when it is "dryed"

Your answer to stop this = chapstick


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Q: Why does your lip split?
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Related questions

When was Split Lip created?

Split Lip was created in 1996.

When did Split Lip end?

Split Lip ended in 2000.

When was Split Your Lip created?

Split Your Lip was created on 2010-11-26.

When was Split Lip Rayfield - album - created?

Split Lip Rayfield - album - was created on 1998-07-07.

What is the best thing to do when you split your lip?

smile,it is the second best thing u can do with your lips

I have recently just had the middle of my lip pierced and a small split of my skin on the inside of my lip has appeared where my jewelry is I have a bioflex barstud inis the split normal?

It definitely shouldn't split. You may have gotten the jewelry snagged on something and caused a little tear. Go back and see your piercer to have them check it out and help solve the problem :)

Is Miley Cyrus horbil?

Yes, she is horrible. It is obvious she lip syncs and has split ends and is a pervert.

Is a llama a lama?

no! A llama is an animal with a split top lip. A lama is a priest or monk in lamaism!

Is cleft lip a fatal disorder?

Cleft lip is not a fatal disorder on its own. It is a common birth defect where there is a gap or split in the upper lip. With appropriate medical care and surgeries, individuals born with cleft lip can lead normal, healthy lives.

What does Hassan like in The Kite Runner?

He has a cleft palate: a split lip. He's a Hazara so he has an Asian look to him.

Animals with split lips?

Animals with split lips include cattle, sheep, and goats. These animals have cleft lips, which is a vertical split in the upper lip that can extend to the nostrils. This condition is present at birth and can affect their ability to suckle or feed.

When Rihanna and Chris Brown had a fight did Rihanna throw piano pieces at him?

No that's a lie, however Rihanna did receive a split lip and bite marks on her hand.