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This is basically because of the activity that you do daily. If you exert more effort or more physical movement, there will be more demand in the body to pump blood so the tendency of your blood pressure becomes high.

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Q: Why does your bp go from normal to hypertension throughout the day?
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Blood pressure normal at home higher at doctors?

When your blood pressure (BP) is normal at home but higher at the doctor's office, this is called "white coat hypertension." Some individuals are more anxious in a hospital or doctor's office; they may or may not appear to act differently, yet their BP is elevated.The opposite condition (BP is lower at the doctor's office) is called "masked hypertension."Ambulatory monitoring (BP is automatically measured for 24 hrs during normal daily activities) has been used to examine these phenomena.Both conditions had tended to be dismissed as little more than curiosities. However, a recent study in the journal Hypertension suggests that these are associated with development of hypertension years later. Here is a WebMD link:

What should be the bp of 42 year old man?

120/80. I say this as a 42 year old man and stoke survivor

What three letter abbreviation could be used for the medical term hypertension?

HTN is the medical abbreviation meaning hypertension or high blood pressure.

What kind of food you need to eat to raise your bp?

The best foods to eat for hypertension are greens, beets, potatoes, and oatmeal. Salt should be avoided with hypertension.

Is it normal to have bloody mucus for up to a week after a major nose bleed?

no you have blood inbalances or hypertension-are you ingesting stimulants or not eating properly -have BP checked or get some info on anemia -dr Burke in Fla

What is the normal blood pressure of 35yrs old?

The normal BP for anyone of any age is between 90/60 and 140/90. Depending on the age of the person, the older he or she is, the higher the BP is. So for a 35 yrs old person is about 120/80 to 130/85 at the highest.

What is the difference between pulmonary hypertension and regular hypertension?

Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure exerted by circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessel, and is one of the principal vital signs. Arterial hypertension or hypertension or high BP can be an indicator of other problems and may have long-term adverse effects. Sometimes it can be an acute problem, for example hypertensive emergency. Types of hypertension usually are primary and secondary, in that alcohol induced, medication induced, pregnancy induced, isolated systolic, isolated diastolic, white coat hypertension (BP due to stress) and malignant hypertension or hypertension emergency are present. In medicine, pulmonary hypertension (PH or PHT) is an increase in blood pressure in the pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, or pulmonary capillaries, together known as the lung vasculature, leading to SOB, dizziness, fainting, and other symptoms, all of which are exacerbated by exertion. Pulmonary hypertension can be a severe disease with a markedly decreased exercise tolerance and heart failure. So both are different terms.

Is 155 74 BP good bad or dangerous?

Your BP should be 120/80. Your level of 155/74 is just a 'snapshot'. So it would depend on your age, weight and height, medical history and just where this was taken and when it was taken and who took it and what did they use to take it. Your BP varies from a usual lower one in the early morning to ups and downs during the day. If some one upset you, it will be higher, if some thing really scared you, it would be very high. The BP reading you get from a regular RN or MD will be the most accurate. Those that measure using wrist monitors are not good.I usually have normal BP until I go for a check up at my doctor's and then it sky rockets. He calls it 'white coat hypertension'.

What is normal atrial blood pressure?

normal atrial BP is 120/80

Is 137 87 blood pressure normal?

This BP is in normal range. 102 over 87 means Systolic BP is 102 and Diastolic BP is 87. The normal range is Systolic of 100-140 and Diastolic of 60-90.However, the interesting thing about this BP is that the Pulse pressure which is defined as the difference between systolic and diastolic BP, is narrow.Narrow Pulse may be seen in normal people but can also be seen in heart failure, arteriosclerosis, markedly decreased intravascular volume like dehydration and diabetic ketoacidosis.

Is it normal to have BP 111 61 for 72 years man?

Yes, it is a good BP for a 72 year old.

What is normal bp for 77 yr old woman?