

Why does your bottom smell?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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15y ago

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you don't wipe like your momma taught ya !!

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Q: Why does your bottom smell?
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BAD trust me you would not want to smell it

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It doesn't matter if they are bottom feeders! If ya smell what the rock-fish is cooking!

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Two reasons: 1. They're bottom itches, 2. After a dog poops or has a scented perfume put on his bottom, they're bottom will not smell the way it normally does. And if it does not smell like it normally does, no other dogs will recognize the dog. (Dogs sniff other dogs bottoms to tell each other apart) The dog will rub its but on the carpet because He is trying to get his old smell back.

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It smells like a krabby patty from bikini bottom :P

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-white fins not moving -gills not moving - sink at the bottom of the pool - may smell

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female rabbits have more of a hormone charge especially if they have not been spayed. she will also have a season, this can be noticeable if she suddenly smells alot stronger or different (usually an unpleasant smell) she may have an unusual dirty bottom as well. male rabbits will only smell when old or have a dirty bottom

What do dirty panties smell like?

Some think it is like a musty fishy smell that is actually gross if you missed a shower for a day or 2. To know the answer, try to discover a dirty pair in a linen bin perhaps and give them a careful sniff where the stains are. The smell can vary between women and it can vary in the same woman. The smell can come in three types. The first is the smell of dried urine which can smell sweet and attractive. The second smell, more between the legs, is the smell of dried vaginal juice. The third smell, of course, is the smell of the wearer's bottom and although this may be off putting, it will have a sweetish smell and not a bit like poo.