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Because he is proud to show people that his gf is well endowed!

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Q: Why does your bf always want to touch your breasts in public?
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Do girls touch there breasts?

You have the right to touch yourself anywhere you want to.

Is it okay to touch a girl's breasts in Middle School in public?

uh NO. Why would you want to touch her breast in front of alot other kids. Then people might think of you as a perv or her as a slut. Answer: No are you an idiot? Your girlfriend would dump you on the spot, pervert.

How do you get a boy to grab your breasts?

He should want to touch them and there should be an agreement between the two of you.

Why do girls always want breasts?

Girls always want boobs cause guys think they are hot and it draws attention to themselves.

My boyfriend always grabs and smacks my butt in public sometimes I like it but I'll tell him to stop sometimes and he will for a little He also always grabs my breasts?

If he cares for you and truly respects you, he will stop if you truly want him to. You need to communicate it to him clearly that you do not like it and it stops now.

Do girls want to have large breasts?

They usually want medium-sized breasts. They don't want to be flat-chested, nor do they want breasts so large that they are made fun of or objectified.

You want to let your boyfriend touch your breasts in public but is it legal?

yes, that's public display of affection. and quite disturbing to see. you wont get charged or anything, you'd get dirty looks and stuff talked about you. and maybe a warning if cops by chance see, or findout. its not a very wise thing to that kinda stuff for the bedroom.. im pritty sure your boyfriend can handle not touchin yooou in public.

Does a girl love you if she always plays with your hand and arm and always wants to touch you?

Well i just have a comment, she obiously cares about you alot! I love my boyfriend and i always want to touch him, kiss him, hug him and just be around him!

Why parts of a girls or woman's body do sexual behavior guys get excited about and want to touch?

Coming from a guy, guys are most excited by a girls ass, and her breasts.

Since you are sixteen you have only 34AA cupped breasts should you wear a string bikini cause you want to show off your breasts to your boyfriend at the beach so he will touch them and maybe take your?

Go for it girl! you might get lucky in the bedroom that night

How do girls get bigger breasts?

There is no reason for you to want bigger breasts

If you're a teen what is the point of wearing a bra?

The point is to hold the breasts in place. It is only pointless to wear a bra if there is no breasts. As long there's breasts, there should be a bra.