becaue when you see soeone yawn it makes ur brain think u need 2 yawn.
yawning is due to the fact you are breathing slower and not taking in enough oxygen
"I'm yawning. I'm yawning some more."
Get more sleep
Violence begets more violence.
For many years yawning has been associated with one being tired, bored or stressed. If one wishes to learn more about yawning, the site with the most detailed information would be on Wikipedia.
You can't stop yawning because when you yawn your body is trying to get more oxygen into you body to try and stay awake. If you are yawning constantly your body is trying to keep you awake, the longer you stay awake, the more you will yawn.
Um, I shouldn't think that yawning itself causes heart palpitations, but if you are extremely tired, there is more chance of you having a palpitation. does not matter
Similar to the howling of the wolf pack, which is designed to synchronize mood in gregarious animals, yawning would have signalled tiredness to other members of the tribe thousands of years ago. for more:
Yawning is not a disease.
if rude and yawning are defined as such i don't see any reason why the act of yawning be rude. yawning is physiologic. would urinating and defecating be rude also?
The spelling of the yawning sound is "yawn."