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he probably likes you!

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Q: Why does the outgoing guy you like look kinda weird and smile when he talks to you?
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What does that mean if the guy you like always smiles and acts kinda weird when he talks to you?

It means that he's nice and shy. Or he might like you also.

Why does the guy you like say hi to you and smile and look kinda weird for a day and only stare at you for a few seconds the next day?

He likes you!

Why would an outgoing guy say hi to you by waving and look kinda weird and be kinda quiet but look totally like himself when he says hi to anyone by hugging or fist bumping and be really loud?

He likes you but gets nervous with relationships.

How do you take a preety picture?

Make sure your eyes are wide open-naturally, not in a weird way. And smile really big-even if it kinda hurts. I have practiced!

What does that mean if the guy you like looks kinda weird and smiles when he talks to you?

Hun, that boy has it in to you. Just try to keep it going. Be yourself, because he likes you for who he fell in love with.

Why can't the outgoing guy you like always be himself around you when he can totally be himself around anyone including strangers?

He's nervous around you- he likes you. He's worried about what you will think of him if he acts kinda weird.

Why does the outgoing guy you like talk to you about random things before but now he can only say hi to you and smile and look kinda weird when he does?

He may have started to like you and now he's afraid to say something to embarrass himself so he just says hi. he probably felt comfortable being him around you before but now just feels awkward ans doesn't know what to say

Does vannila talks weird to cream the rabbit?

No she does not.

What does that mean a person who outgoing?

amazing out standing unequal weird UN organized

What does an outgoing person means?

amazing out standing unequal weird UN organized

How do you tackle girl friend?

UMMM? that's kinda weird? actually very weird

What does that mean if the outgoing guy you like only stares at you and smiles at you for a few sec when he sees you in the hallway when he sometimes can say hi to you and smile and look kinda weird?

It could mean that he is shy or unsure about how to approach you, hence the awkward behavior. His staring and smiling may indicate that he is interested but hesitant to make a move. If you like him too, consider initiating a conversation to see how he responds.