one: he likes you, two: he likes the teacher, three: he is weird and wants attention, four: he is trying to start a conversation with someone, five: he likes someone behind you
Your teacher.
The author, Rick Riordan, was a teacher.
Check behind you to see if he is smiling at you or not. You smile back and just go somewhere to see if he follows you or give you his full attention.
Around the corner there is tree under the tree there is a school in the school there is a desk behind the desk there is a bell behind the desk is a teacher what is her name
do i look like a physics teacher, you better go somewhere else with that
no, your teacher is lying to you, 13 is a false number, your teacher is probably laughing at you behind your back
You can get to that area behind the elite 4, but it's a passage way somewhere in victory road
The boys enthusiastically copied their science teacher without his knowledge.
because you have an open electrical line somewhere behind your radio.
1: Ask a woman teacher if she fingers herself 2: Ask a man teacher if he masturbates 3:go behind a teacher and pretend hump behind him 4:throw a paper airplane at teacher 5:draw a ugly picture of teacher and accidently on purpose give it to him 6:Grab a female teacher boobs and say you accidently tripped and used her as balance 7:go to teacher electronic pencil sharpener and jam it by sticking gum, eraser, etc 8:(If ride bus) Jump up from seat when she looking in the mirror, and stick you middle finger out 9:buy firecrackers and set them off in the classroom 10:before teacher comes, go to teacher desk, and pretend you are the teacher 11:glue all of teachers things to his desk 12:(if teacher is marrried) write a fake card that says "ITS a boy!" 13:accidently on purpose spill his or her coffe on her laptop!
Well, if you take something, you leave the rest behind somewhere else. It is like chicken and macarooni
Go into the volcano (the temple interior) then look behind the Big thrones at the back of the room. The crown is somewhere behind them.