So that you think that he is amazing, cool, strong, intelligent, hes just trying to impress you cuz he probably likes you too.
good luck with your guy! hope i helpd!
he would knows that you like him because you probably show off in front of him so dont show off in front of him
they show off and be a total idiot in front of you and then you laugh
If he looks at you alot and smiles or just looks at u and looks away when u look... or if he seems like a shy guy or if he seems like he is trying to show off in front of you
Show off in front of her
that he like u
it depends if a girl is showing off in front of a guy it sprobably because she likes him and is flirting with him if she shows off in front of another girl its probably because they are trying to impress that girl
Well, girls like a guy that likes showing off especially in front if them. Guys also turn girls on by FLIRTING of course who doesn't like a guy that flirts?! So basically, girls get turned on by a cute boy that listens and flirts.
If a girl takes her shirt off in front of an guy then its a high chance she likes the guy
as long as you show the guy that u like him then its a turn on
Showing off to a guy that you like won't make him feel any more attracted to you than he already is, but it will get his attention. If you want a guy to really like you, a better way to do it is to be yourself. If he doesn't like the real you, then chances are, you won't like the real him.
because they like you or like to show off
If a guy shows off that means he either likes you or he just wants attention from everybody.