Carbon Dioxide is present in the soda (drinks) to give the fluid a pleasant fizz and agreeable taste. . Most people find this refreshing and soda which has been allowed to go flat is not seen as palatable. Carbon dioxide was chosen rather than air or nitrogen as the "fizz" as more of it dissolves in the fluid by actually combining with the water to form carbonic acid and is released more slowly than air or other gases.
As an added benefit the slightly acidic taste of carbon dioxide in water make the drink seem better. The difference is obvious when carbonated water and still water is compared.
Yes, soda contains carbon dioxide (CO2) which gives it its fizziness.
Soda limestone and sand all contain the element "silicon."
Carbonated soda has CO2 in it because the gas make the soda bubble and fizz.
Yes, carbon dioxide (CO2) is present in soda to give it its fizziness.
Yes, carbon dioxide (CO2) is present in soda to give it its fizziness.
yes there is
CO2 and sugar and flavoring
Soda water does not contain caffeine.
One pound of soda lime can remove approximately 250-300 liters of CO2. The exact amount can vary based on the concentration of CO2 in the environment and the efficiency of the soda lime.
Well, soda travels into the stomach instead of the lungs, and when you burp you evacuate the CO2 gas from your stomach.
soda is acidic because it has CO2 and carbonate