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What makes this fruit particularly different is that pineapple has an enzyme called Bromelain. This enzyme 'eats' away at the gums, tongue, and roof of the mouth. Many people believe that letting the pineapple sit out all night, and taking out all of the core can take away some of the irritation.

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because you burned it

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Q: Why does my tongue burn when i finish eating some pineapple?
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How many calories does a pineapple burn?

Eating pineapple adds calories, it doesnt burn them - despite what you may have read in a diet book.

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Probably not but you might burn your tongue, and feel sick after eating it.

What is single your tongue?

I'm going to assume you mean 'singe your tongue'. It means to burn your tongue, usually by eating or drinking something that was too hot.

How do you get your tongue to stop hurting after you eat pineapple?

Swish a mouthful of salt water around your mouth--it'll burn at first, but the prickling should stop. Fresh pineapple contains enzymes that are commonly extracted and used in meat tenderizers, and salt inactivates them and should stop the stinging.

At what temperature does food burn your tongue?

Food can burn your tongue at temperatures above 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

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I'm eating one now lol and its been about 5mins and i had to put mine down i feel my tongue starting to feel a bit uncomfortable lol

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Yes. Ice-cream can burn your tongue if the ice-cream is really, really freezing cold.

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your tongue will get dry and you'll need water

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Cuz its hot!

What color is a giraffe's tongue?

The color of a giraffe's tongue is blue-purplish color.A giraffe's tongue is purple because it lick's the leaves off the trees. Since it's tongue is out so much it might get sun burn. So, a giraffe's tongue is purple so it doesn't get sun burn!A Giraffes tongue is black and its soft but the surface is rough so it can grab leaves from the trees.