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im not sure, maybee she is still into u um. . . Maybe he still likes you!

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Q: Why does my ex keep looking at me?
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Why does my ex boyfriend keep looking at me in the hallway at school does he still have feelings fore me?

Gurl, yeah!!

Why would an ex boyfriend keep looking at you?

He's obviously still desperately in love with you. Stop reading and go to him.

Does your ex boyfriend miss you?

Your ex-boyfriend may miss you, but you have to keep moving. Keep in mind there is always a reason why they are an ex.

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there are nun i keep on looking there are nun i keep on looking there are nun i keep on looking there are nun i keep on looking there are nun i keep on looking

How do you know if your ex isnt over you?

They keep looking back at you. They constantly call you, talk to you, etc. They seem nervous around you. Blush, talks about you constantly with their friends.

When was I Keep Looking created?

I Keep Looking was created in 2000.

Why would a guy always stare at a girl and one time go sit right in front of her and keep glancing at her and keep looking at her when he was with his ex when he knows she stared at him long time ago?

it is because they admier you but they are just shy to tell you

My Auarius ex boyfriend was looking at me to much?

he clearly still likes you and wants to get your knickers down but it is up to you what happenes. i suggest that you get back to him if you still like him but if it was a bad relationship then just let him keep looking and dont let him touch :D

What if your ex rejects you but cant stop looking at you but wont speak to you?

Move on! They are your EX, go find the next.

How do you get your ex husband to talk to you?

you keep on calling him.

What do do when your ex is a jerk?

Ignore him/her. Agreed. If your ex has chosen the low ground, you keep the high ground.

When your ex says I'M looking but I am not looking?

It probably means that he or she is noticing other people but not really looking to start a relationship with anyone.