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he iz tottaly obsesed wit u.....or he relly wnts some.

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Q: Why does my boyfriend watch me when i sleep?
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Related questions

Why does your boyfriend watch you sleep?

because its cute .

Why does my boyfriend sleep so much?

Your boyfriend could sleep a lot for many reasons. One is that he is just tired and does not get enough solid sleep.

How do you sleep with your boyfriend?

You get into his bed with him and go to sleep

What do you have when you can't go to sleep?

A boyfriend.

What to do when you can't go to sleep?

A boyfriend.

Should you continue to sleep with a girl who has a boyfriend?


What to do when you are at the cinemas with your boyfriend?

watch a movie

Could you correct this sentence of going to watch movie later with my boyfriend and brother?

I'm going to watch movie with my boyfriend and my brother after this.

Why is a female like to sleep around while she has a boyfriend?

not all women do. some women sleep around when they have a boyfriend to get something that her boyfriend isn't providing her. it could also mean that she's not looking for a serious relationship.

How do you get over an unfaithful boyfriend?

MOVE ON eat chocolate and remember to sleep and relax and get a new boyfriend

When is it acceptable to sleep with a new boyfriend?

i might be the only guy left to think this but, don't sleep with your boyfriend... unless you're married

How can you not sleep?

u watch a movie