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Something is on his mind.

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Q: Why does it mean if a Guy Keeps staring and frowns?
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What does it mean when a guy keeps staring at you when someone talks about marriages?

it means you need to learn how to spell

What does it mean when a guy keeps staring at you?

It probably means, A guy likes you :). If you catch him looking at you and then quickly looking away, then that's one sign :D

What does it mean if when a boy keeps staring at you and smiling the whole time?

the guy's a loony. and a pedo. he MUST be crazy. and he definitely doesn't have a crush on you

What if a guy keeps on staring at you and you don't him?

He's either a creeper, or thinks your cute.

What does that mean if a guy who is in one of your classes and knows you stares at you when you're talking to your friend and keeps staring when you look back for a long time?

He wants to get in your pants.

Does that mean the guy you like is jealous if he keeps staring when you talk to a guy friend and goes and interrupts you guys and says hi to your guy friend right after you talk to him more than once?

lol most likely

Why hasn't a guy you know at school that keeps staring at you intensely not replied to your Facebook message even though he has seen it?

The only person who can answer that is the guy you messaged. It could be that he is shy or his stares do not mean that he is interested in you.

If a guy you like keeps on looking at you does that mean he likes you?

Its hard to say, but i would probably say yes, he probably cant stop staring at how good you look

What if a guy constantly keeps staring at a girl and will move closer to her and keep staring at her either through the corner of his eye or just plain out STARING....note you have notin on your shirt?

that means he like u

What does it mean when you friends tell you the guy you is staring at you?

he likes you :)

What does a staring guy mean to a girl?

That he's checking you out!

If guy keeps staring but tries to pretend he isn't interested by keeping serious face?

ask him out, girl! :)