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Because you touch yourself at night.

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Q: Why does it hurt while fingering and you start crying?
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What does it mean when your boyfriend says things to upset you and you start crying then he don't even try to console you he just walks away while im sitting there very hurt and upset?

It means its time to say bye bye for good

Why is your dog crying after an injection?

cause it hurt.

Why are you crying so much?

My fealings are hurt, I am crushed.

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How do you make your sibling stop crying?

To make a sibling stop crying, you must first find out why they are crying. Are they hurt or upset? Are they looking attention? As soon as you can deteremine the reason for their crying, the sooner you can get them to stop.

How can you tell when some else is holding back from crying?

Their face starts to look strained and the emotions start to make the throat hurt, making it hard to talk clearly.

Why am i crying but I am not sad?

Maybe their eyes hurt, they were really happy, or they were laughing really hard. They could also just be sad and not know why. Sorry, these are the only reasons I could think of.

Do guys like it when you are wet while they are fingering you?

If you weren't wet it would probably hurt, also I guess it's up to the guy.

Crying people in your dreams?

If you see a friend crying in your dreams, then someone close to you is struggling and you are wishing you could help. If the person crying in your dreams is an enemy, you are seeking to hurt this person emotionally.

What if your sister hurt you and then you hurt her in the heart?

you get in big trouble and she starts fake crying and when your parents arnt looking she stickes her toung out at you

Is it normal for you to cry when your boyfriend is crying?

It's normal to cry when a love one is crying because people often feel the hurt of the people they care about.

What does it mean when a dog keeps crying?

Its probably hurt. If he conitinuesly crys then see a vet