Like a floppy, warm banana.
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that people can physically feel the presence of ghosts. Sensations or feelings perceived to be linked to ghosts are often attributed to psychological factors, environmental conditions, or other natural explanations.
You might feel like someone is in your house because there actually is someone in your house. You might also get that kind of feeling if you are missing a person and wishing they were there with you.
is the ridges you feel like blisters?
he'll probaly know that your staring at him because people can feel when someones staring at him or her i knoiw i can
Sometimes, when there is a feeling that someone is watching, it is likely that someone is. It is best to check your environment for intruders.
A heaviness in the legs and arms is often described as the limbs feeling like cement blocks. This can be a symptom or sign of Fibromyalgia.
eyes nose ears mouth personality.... ps. i feel like im doin someones homework right now
Common symptoms of angina include chest discomfort, which may feel like pressure, squeezing, or pain. This discomfort can also be felt in the arms, neck, jaw, shoulder, or back. Other symptoms may include shortness of breath, nausea, fatigue, and sweating.
It feels ausome to have a boy friend. He makes you feel like your on a cloud. Your just floating in his arms.
Be honest with them, tell them how you feel about that person. Even if people don't like you liking that person, say that you can't help your feelings.
I'm trying to cross the water dirty and I feel like drowning