because the older you get the colour changes. it is the same for some children as their hair colour changes.
There are no ingredients in hair gel that can cause a person's hair to turn white. The loss of melanin or genetic defects are things that can cause it to turn grey or white.
yes, but it states white
yes as the person gets older they grow a lot of grey or white hair
Get grey hair dye or just let it turn natural grey.
I think the only you can do is dye the hair to the color you want
No. Honey does not turn your hair white.
No, not all hair turns grey as a person ages. Only the individual hair follicles that produce melanin, the pigment that gives hair its color, stop producing melanin and turn grey.
Grey or White.
Mark Harmon has grey/white hair.
If you use the right dye (preferably Manic Panic) then it shouldn't turn grey. I dyed my hair purple and it stayed that way.
Hair turns grey as the body produces less melanin, the pigment that gives hair its color. As melanin production decreases with age, hair strands lose their color and appear grey or white.