

Best Answer

Hair goes gray or white when melanin is stopped being produced in the follicle. Melanin produces colour. There is no way to stop this. They say that smokers are 4 times more likely to prematurely go gray, so if you smoke maybe think about giving it up. Look hair up in Wikipedia to get all the facts.

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Q: Why does hair get white or gray and how can it be prevented?
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Is there any such thing as gray hair or does the hair simply look gray because of the mixture of colored and white hairs?

There is something called gray hair as there is both black , white and that hair in between black and white is seen as gray hair.

Is grey hair and white hair the same thing?

Gray and white hair are not the same thing. Gray hair is caused by getting older ir stress and white hair is a color.

Is it possible to add white to your gray and silver hair?

White can be added to gray and silver hair by stripping the color and using platinum.

Does your hair always have change to gray or white?

Yes it will change to white or gray unless you dye it!

Does hair turn gray or white?

well I have known for gray first then as you get older it turns white

Is there actually gray hair or is it an illusion due to the mixture of colored and white hairs?

There is actually gray hair.

What does it mean when you have white stuff on your hair?

It's not white stuff! I am sorry to tell you but you have gray hair

What is George W. Bush hair color?

his hair color is gray and black but mostly gray

Does Sasori come back with white gray hair?

no people used 2 draw him with white/gray hair before he appeared in the show because they didnt know what colour his hair was

What over the counter hair color works best on white hair?

Pick a hair dye that is specifically made to be used on gray hair, and the covering of gray hair. It will take to hair with no color for longer.

Why is mccains hair white?

He's old, and senior citizens often have gray hair.

Why does people hair turn gray when they get old?

Hair turns gray as people age due to a decrease in melanin production in the hair follicles. Melanin is the pigment responsible for giving hair its color. As we age, our hair follicles produce less melanin, causing hair to appear gray or white.