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Because you can't smell.

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Q: Why does everything taste so flavourless when you get sick?
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You got sick everything i eat taste bad?

It's from the congestion in your nose. Part of tasting food is smelling it so this is the reason things don't taste as well as they normally would :) Get better!

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Pollution can harm plants, Animals eat the plants so they get sick and we usually eat both so we can also get sick

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If everything you eat tastes like mold, it could be due to a fungal infection in your mouth. This condition is called oral thrush and can affect the taste buds, making everything taste like mold. It is recommended to see a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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Yes and No. I wouldn't, you can but it wouldn't taste very nice and you may end up being sick, so no.

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i dont think so unless u keep eating it u might get sick of it but your the same person so i dont think so

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it isss balanced cause crocodiles eat everything and they don't get sick so it is balanced.

What organs depend on the tongue?

The taste buds are there, but ... What organs ? None really. it's used to swallow food (so everything needs it) and for speech.

Can you be sick for a really long period of time. iunno but ive been sick with the cold for like a really long time and its really getting annoying can some help?

Its possible to be sick for years so yes but try going to a doctor and i recommend Recola vitamin c droplets they taste good and they are good for you

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After eating certain foods, your taste buds are used to tasting that certain taste, so everything tastes like what you just ate. On the other hand, dark and milk chocolate taste different in the first place...=D

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Do you mean Niall Horan?? He sang so sick by Ne-Yo