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Q: Why does dierect domocracy is not good?
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What is mean Representative Domocracy?

democratic ambassadors that are cruel spirited people.

Did the ancient Athens in Greece not have a domocracy?

Yes, ancient Athens was actually the birthplace of democracy.

What animal can get energy from the sun?

alligaters, crocadiles, terrapins,and turtles all bask (lay on rocks in the dierect sunlight)to get energy.

Some examples of direct material cost and direct labor cost?

examples of dierect material,indirect,labour,and expenses cost

When did Australia become a domocracy?

Australia became a Commonwealth, and democracy in 1901. Previous to this it was organised inot states and colonies.

Liat all the changes towards the Australian democracy that have occured from 1885?

list all the changestoward domocracy that have occurred from 1885.

Is Guyana a domocracy?

Technically speaking, yes, Guyana is a democracy. It has a democratically el;ected president, prime minister and national asembly.

How the length of the tube on a brass instrument has dierect relationship to the pitch of the instrument?

It's basic physics. A longer tube will produce a lower pitch than a shorter tube.

What does domocracy mean?

It is a form of government in which the people rule themselves directly and continuously, without the need for professional politicians or public officials.

Caring Chinese fishing fish?

Bettas (chinese fighting fish) are very easy to care for. Feed them 2-3 times a week, can keep in a small bowl, keep out of dierect sunlight. Clean bowl once a week to once a month.

Why do you have two seasons in the Phil?

It because the Phil. is near the equator which receives direct sunlight. Receiving dierect sunlight has two possibilty season rainy and dry.Dry when the heat of the sun is too much and it keeps on evaporating water and if it doesn't precipitate the water. rainy when the clouds percipitate rain. too chance of snow because of too much heat _12_