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Possibly because your outside pain now matches your inside feelings. Please do get help; this is not a habit that you can take care of on your own.

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Q: Why does cutting make me feel better about myself?
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I've been cutting myself for months but why is it starting to hurt a lot more now?

I cut myself and i hate that i ever started. I'm not going to tell you to stop cutting yourself cause if someone sees my cuts They say these expect words. " honey please don't cut yourself your more then that" doesn't that what people say all the time to try and make you stop and feel better? Well it dosent make you feel any better about yourself or why you do it does it? It depends on what u use, i use a blade from a sharpener and isn't the whole point of cutting for the pain?? anyways it depends on what you use so yeah.

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Different methods of self injury work for different people...just dpeneds on what kind of high you are seeking... cutting and the like release endorphins in your brain that make you feel good. The same are produced by working out!

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YES YOU SHOULD!!! SHES FU*KING EMO! SHE NEEDS HELP! do something to make her feel like her life isnt worthless. and if she doesnt stop cutting say: "so i dont make your life any better?" then she'll feel bad and maybe stop cutting (:

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A doctor will make you feel better when your ill because he/she mite give you medicine.

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Yes it makes your lips feel better

I feel like a failure in life because of my gcse results how can I make myself feel better?

The results of your test can be hard but it should not change your life. The best way to get over it and move on would be to get up and tell your self that life can go on.

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The best way to me personally would be to reassure myself & tell myself that I am b eautiful with or without hair! When we were born we didn't have a lot of hair as it is. But to make you feel better there are also wigs for men & women :)

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No, minerals cannot make you feel better. Taking mineral supplements can increase your health. However, it cannot make you feel better after something awful just happened...for example break-up or death.

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You should never lie to make someone feel better, all they want is the truth!

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It makes you feel better because bread is good for you when your sick

How do you make anal feel better?

don't do it

Does human contact make you feel better?

It most likely does because when no one is around , you get lonely. But when you positively interact with someone, it will make you feel better.