Would you buy a perfume if you didn't know that it was going to definitely not have a risk of causing severe problems? If I gave you the choice of two perfumes which smelled the same, but one of them had been tested with no side effects and the other hadn't been tested at all, which would you choose?
By testing perfumes(on humans, nonetheless) you make sure that there is nothing in it which is harmful to humans
women and girls
People always want to be secure with their makeup, so they think that the makeup that's tested won't hurt them.
Many of the animals die, are put to sleep, or tested on with something else.
MiceFruit fliesMothsFrogsMole ratsPrairie volesRabbitsBeaglesPigsMonkeys
many many animal are being tested for cosmetic use. just to name a few, bunnies, monkeys. chimps, orangatuns, and some even test on cats and dogs.
There is a very good chance that they are not - the European Union has banned the sale of all cosmetics that have been tested on animals, which has in effect caused all international companies to stop testing cosmetics on animals.
no it isn't tested on animals !!
Their products are not tested on animals and most of them are vegan.
You're in luck! Jordana Cosmetics is a cruelty-free brand which means it's not tested on animals at all. Jordana is owned by the New Milani Group, which also owns Milani Cosmetics. The New Milani Group stands by their pledge against animal testing, making both brands cruelty-free.
I use cosmetics to look my beautiful best. Try it! You'll love it!