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Briefly: Bleach is generally white therefore when used on something 'dirty' all the dirt and germs are an invisible white or transparent colour. When the white bleach is mixed with the black dirt (in most cases) then the colour of the bleach turns black because the dirt mixes with white. If you mix black paint with white it turns black or grey because dark overpowers white. hope this helps your random curiosity :)

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Q: Why does bleach turns dark when using it to disinfect items?
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When using bleach to disinfect toys what is the correct ratio?

1 tbs of bleach to 1 gallon of water.

Do you need to wash your washing machine after putting bleach in it?

No, it is not necessary to wash your washing machine after using bleach in it. Bleach is a cleaning agent that helps disinfect and sanitize the machine. Just be sure to run an extra rinse cycle after using bleach to ensure there is no residue left behind.

Can you use bleach on fiberglass tubs?

Yes, you can use bleach on fiberglass tubs to help remove stains and disinfect the surface. However, it is important to dilute the bleach with water according to the manufacturer's instructions to prevent damage to the fiberglass material. It's also recommended to wear gloves and ensure good ventilation when using bleach.

What are some ideas for cleaning with Clorox Bleach?

You can use Clorox Bleach to disinfect and sanitize surfaces like countertops, sinks, and bathtubs. Dilute bleach with water according to the instructions on the label before using it to clean. Make sure to wear gloves and work in a well-ventilated area when using bleach.

What is a sentence using the word disinfect?

This cleanser will effectively disinfect the counter top.

Is bleach a good disinfectant?

Yes, bleach is an effective disinfectant that can kill a broad range of pathogens including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It is commonly used to disinfect surfaces in homes, hospitals, and other settings. However, it is important to follow safety guidelines when using bleach and to properly dilute it according to instructions.

Can you use bleach in urinals?

Yes, bleach can be used to clean and disinfect urinals. However, it should be used carefully as it can be harsh on surfaces and may cause damage if not diluted properly. Additionally, ensure proper ventilation when using bleach to avoid inhaling harmful fumes.

What does chlorine bleach do to dishes in the dishwasher?

Chlorine bleach helps to disinfect and remove tough stains on dishes in the dishwasher. It can kill bacteria and sanitize the dishes, leaving them clean and germ-free. However, using too much bleach can damage delicate dishes and harm the dishwasher over time.

How much chlorine bleach to disinfect 2000 gallons of water?

For disinfecting water, you can use household bleach that contains 5-8.25% sodium hypochlorite. To treat 2000 gallons of water, you would need about 1 cup (8 oz) of bleach. Mix the bleach thoroughly and let it stand for at least 30 minutes before using the water.

Can you disinfect color cloths with Clorox?

It is not recommended to disinfect colored cloths with Clorox bleach, as it may cause discoloration or damage to the fabric. Instead, consider using a disinfectant spray or wipes that are specifically designed for use on colored fabrics.

How much bleach to treat 7000 gallons of water?

To treat 7000 gallons of water for drinking, you can use approximately 28 ounces of regular household bleach (5.25% sodium hypochlorite concentration). This amount of bleach can help disinfect the water to make it safe for consumption. Make sure to mix the bleach thoroughly and let it sit for about 30 minutes before using the water.

Should you pour bleach on the basement floor?

It is not recommended to pour bleach directly onto the basement floor as it can damage the surface and may not effectively disinfect the area. Instead, dilute bleach in water according to the manufacturer's instructions and use it to mop or scrub the floor. Make sure to ventilate the area while using bleach and wear protective gloves.