It is another form of "pecking order", in which individuals within a system (family, workplace, government) seek dominance over other individuals perceived as "weaker".
The black sheep.
The black sheep , usually the black sheep of a family, is the naughty one of a group with bad morals and criminal tendencies.
A black sheep is one which does not do what all the other "sheep" (people) do - a person who does not follow cultural laws and morals, but does whatever they want.
black sheep
black sheep
Yes, the phrase "black sheep of the family" is a metaphor that refers to a family member who is considered different or disreputable compared to the rest of the family. It implies that this person doesn't fit in or is an outcast within their family.
In the UK there are flocks of black sheep, which are bred for their wool. But in other types of sheep a black one is a rarity, unusual. That is where the expression the black sheep of the family comes from, someone who goes against the usual, a renegade even, they were often shipped off to places abroad, so they did not embarrass the family
The expression "black sheep" is used to describe someone who doesn't fit in with his or her family.
The expression "black sheep" is used to describe someone who doesn't fit in with his or her family.
The expression "black sheep" is used to describe someone who doesn't fit in with his or her family.
"Black sheep" is an idiom used to describe a person who does not fit in with a group--usually a family.